When you brush your teeth, they get clean. When you turn the ignition, your car cranks up. When you flip on the light switch, the light turns on. Though these may seem like a completely random events, they all have one thing in common:
When you do a certain thing, you get a certain result. Also in business, when you perform a certain activity, you make a certain income.
There are certain activities that will result in a $50,000/year business
There are certain activities that will result in a $500,000/year business
There are certain activities that will result in a $5,000,000/year business
The Timebank GPS System show you exactly what activities you need to do to make whatever income you desire.
Course Instructor
Antonio Thornton

Antonio Thornton Antonio Thornton’s expertise in direct response marketing has earned him national accolades and the respect of marketing industry professionals around the world. He’s worked worked on projects with Robert Kiyosaki, Bob Proctor, Les Brown, Microsoft, Georgia Pacific, Massage Envy and has helped thousands of small business owners dramatically increase their sales and profits.
Affectionately referred to as The “Profit Engineer”, Antonio is best known for creating wildly successful campaigns for his clients. He’s the founder of Money Mouth Marketing, a performance-based marketing firm and one of, if not the only marketing company in the country that guarantees a minimum 3X ROI.
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